Singing Guide: Eminem feat. Rihanna

Singing Guide: Eminem feat. Rihanna

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Eminem's vocal technique is truly unique, blending elements of rap and more traditional singing together. To learn how to sing like Eminem, it's important to first understand the basics of rap flow and delivery. Once you have that down, there are a few specific techniques and songs you can focus on.

One key element of Eminem's style is his use of vocal distortion, which adds aggression and intensity to his delivery. To learn this technique, check out Singing Carrots' article on vocal distortion and growling.

Another important aspect of Eminem's singing is his control over rhythm and timing. This is especially apparent in his collaborations with Rihanna, such as "Love the Way You Lie." To practice this skill, use Singing Carrots' pitch training game, which can help you improve your timing and pitch accuracy.

In terms of specific songs to study, "Love the Way You Lie" is a great starting point. Pay close attention to the structure of the verses and the way Eminem phrases his lines. Additionally, "Lose Yourself" and "Not Afraid" are other great examples of Eminem's vocal style.

Singing Carrots offers a wealth of resources to help you further develop your singing skills and achieve your goals. Our vocal range test can help you identify your current range compared to famous singers, while our pitch accuracy test can help you improve your ear training. Our pitch training game is perfect for working on your rhythm and timing, and our comprehensive singing course covers everything from theory to practical tips.

So whether you're a rap fan looking to better understand Eminem's style or just a singer looking to improve your skills, Singing Carrots has the resources you need.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.